Html – Flex movie overlapping other HTML


I have a Flex movie that contains a text input box and an (optional) dropdown. The design requires that this dropdown fall below the lower edge of the movie, overlapping the HTML below it.

I can set wmode to transparent and can get the dropdown to overlap the HTML fine but then the HTML below is unselectable, even when the dropdown is not visible (flex steals the mouse events).

I am looking at changing the size of the div containing my movie when the user selects / unselects it but have run into a bug; If wmode is set to transparent, Flex doesn't give you activate / deactivate events so I can't change the div's size at the correct time.

Am I on the right track with this solution? If so, how can I detect if the user is currently using my Movie.

If I'm barking up the wrong tree, a little pointer in the right direction would be much appreciated 🙂



Best Answer

Why don't you increase the size of the div only when the dropdown is, well, dropped down? You can use ExternalInterface (or simply navigateToURL("javascript:...")) to call the relevant javascript function at the appropriate time.