Html – Fonts start to get blurry when smaller than 11px


I'm converting a Photoshop image to HTML, and I noticed that when I set the font size to 11px it gets blurry, but in Photoshop it still looks fine.

So after playing around I discovered that if I set the font type option to smooth instead of none, Photoshop also makes the font blurry.

So, how can I make the font sharper using CSS so that it mirrors Photoshop's font rendering? I'm using Arial as my font. Here's my CSS right now:

.user_status {
    color: #666666;
    font: Arial;
    font-size: 11px;
    display: block;
    margin-top: 10px;

Thank you all for you awesome answers, it helped me a lot, i wish i could chose more then 1 answer as the correct one…

Best Answer

Most browsers use the system's font rendering libraries, so most fonts will render slightly different on different operating systems. However, you can try using the 2 css3 properties listed below:

-webkit-font-smoothing: [ auto | initial | none | antialiased | subpixel-antialiased ]

This property only works with webkit browsers, like Safari and Chrome. See for more on this.

font-smooth: [ auto | never | always | <absolute-size> | <length> ]

This is part of the W3C's CSS Font module specification. You can view the whole thing at . I am not sure whether any browser supports this property, yet. YMMV.

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