Html – Get value of disabled drop down in mvc

I have an ASP.NET MVC application. I am having multiple drop-down list in my page (HTML SELECT), I have to disable them, as user goes on selected them one by one. When the user posts it back to the controller, I am getting null as the function (action method) paramters. I searched and found that HTML does not send value of disabled fields in the form data. Replacing disabled attribute with readonly would not work as it would render drop-down working.

I am generating the dropdowns dynamically using javascript as user goes on. So there isn't a single dropdown, but as many as user wants.

Can someone please tell me how should I get the values ?

Best Answer

One possibility is to make the dropdown list disabled="disabled" and include a hidden field with the same name and value which will allow to send this value to the server:

@Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.FooId, Model.Foos, new { disabled = "disabled" })
@Html.HiddenFor(x => x.FooId)

If you have to disabled the dropdown dynamically with javascript then simply assign the currently selected value of the dropdown to the hidden field just after disabling it.