Html – How to embed a Flash application into web site where application file is on a remote server


I’ve developed an Adobe Flex (v. 2) application. The application exists as a .swf file hosted on a web server. I have an html page hosted on a completely different web server (which is independent of the web server the .swf file is on).

My question is how am I able to call the .swf file (that lives on the separate web server) from within the html page and have the flex application embed in the html page?
I've tried calling the url of the .swf file from within the html page.

Unfortunately I'm not getting an error message. My html page appears with nothing in it. I'm expecting to see my swf application embeded inside it.

here is an example of the code I'm using in my html page to call and embed the swf file.

        "src", "http://www.url/swfName.swf",
        "width", "580",
        "height", "472",
        "align", "middle",
        "id", "swfName",
        "quality", "high",
        "bgcolor", "#869ca7",
        "name", "swfName",
        "flashvars",'historyUrl=history.htm%3F&lconid=' + lc_id + '',
        "type", "application/x-shockwave-flash",
        "pluginspage", ""

Am i on the right track?

Best Answer

Maybe it's some kind of a cross domain problem (meaning flash is on different domain?) so you'll need a crossdomain.xml file. Check for more about it here, hope it helps.