Html – How to multiple files be opened in Visual Studio Code (VSC)


How can multiple files be opened in Visual Studio Code (VSC)? For some reason, my copy of VS Code can only open one file at a time. For example if there are two files in the workspace folder, lets say an HTML and CSS file, both cannot be opened simultaneously. If one file is open, clicking any other item in VSC's file explorer will replace the current file. VSC will not open the other file in a new editing tab. Not concerned with running multiple instances, Workspaces or folders of VSC. I just want to open 2 files in the same folder. Is there a config setting controlling this? Or is this the result of upgrading to the latest version of VSC? Is just a "new feature" of VSC? It's seems ridiculously simple but I need help. Running VSC v. 1.24.0 for Win10x64. Any clues appreciated. Thank you.

Visusal Studio Code Screenshot:

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Best Answer

In VS Code, if you click once on a file, it opens it in a temporary tab. This is helpful if you are looking into a bunch of files searching for something, without opening every single one of them.

If you want to open a file in a new tab that persists until closed manually, double click on the file.

You can also persist a tab that was previously created as a temporary tab by double clicking on the tab. Note that temporary tabs have a cursive title, while normal tabs do not.