Html – How to put the number at top right corner of cart icon


I would like to place a number at top right corner of the font awesome cart icon.

I have created this simple html.

   <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

    <i class="fa" style="font-size:24px">&#xf07a;</i>
    <span> 5 </span>


The result is as follows.

enter image description here

How can i make the number appear the top right corner of the cart icon as shown in the following image?

enter image description here

I appreciate any help from css experts. Thanks!

Best Answer

This appears to have been answered previously: Shopping cart - number of items in cart CSS

Modified the code to suit your request:

<i class="fa" style="font-size:24px">&#xf07a;</i>
<span class='badge badge-warning' id='lblCartCount'> 5 </span>


.badge {
  padding-left: 9px;
  padding-right: 9px;
  -webkit-border-radius: 9px;
  -moz-border-radius: 9px;
  border-radius: 9px;

.badge-warning[href] {
  background-color: #c67605;
#lblCartCount {
    font-size: 12px;
    background: #ff0000;
    color: #fff;
    padding: 0 5px;
    vertical-align: top;
    margin-left: -10px; 