Html – How to stream webcam to server and manipulate the stream


I'd like to stream a user's webcam (from the browser) to a server and I need the server to be able to manipulate the stream (run some C algorithms on that video stream) and send the user back information.

I have heavily looked at WebRTC and MediaCapture and read the examples here : .

However this is made for peer-to-peer video chat. From what I have understood, the MediaStream from getUserMedia is transmitted via a RTCPeerConnection (with addStream) ; what I'd like to know is : can I use this, but process the video stream on the server ?

Thanks in advance for your help

Best Answer

Here is the solution I have designed. I post here for people seeking the same kind of information :-)

Front End side

I use the WebRTC API : get webcam stream with getUserMedia, open RTCPeerConnection (and RTCDataChannel for downside information). The stream is DTLS encrypted (mandatory), multimedia streams use RTP and RTCP. The video is VP8 encoded and the audio in Opus encoded.

Back End side

On the backend, this is the complex part. The best (yet) alternative I could find is the Janus Gateway. It takes cares of a lot of stuff, like DTLS handshake, RTP / RTCP demuxing, etc. Basically, it fires a event each time a RTP packet is transmitted. (RTP packets are typically the size of the MTU, so there is not a 1:1 mapping between video frames and RTP packets).

I then built a GStreamer (version 1.0) to depacketize the RTP packets, decode the VP8, ensure video scaling and colorspace / format conversion to issue a BGR matrix (compatible with OpenCV). There is an AppSrc component at the beginning of the pipeline and a AppSink at the end.

What's left to do

I have to take extra measures to ensure good scalability (threads, memory leaks, etc) and find a clean and efficient way of using the C++ library I have inside this program.

Hope this helps !