Html – minlength validation attribute in HTML5


It seems the minlength attribute for an <input> field doesn't work.

Is there any other attribute in HTML5 with the help of which I can set the minimal length of a value for fields?

Best Answer

You can use the pattern attribute. The required attribute is also needed, otherwise an input field with an empty value will be excluded from constraint validation.

<input pattern=".{3,}"   required title="3 characters minimum">
<input pattern=".{5,10}" required title="5 to 10 characters">

If you want to create the option to use the pattern for "empty, or minimum length", you could do the following:

<input pattern=".{0}|.{5,10}" required title="Either 0 OR (5 to 10 chars)">
<input pattern=".{0}|.{8,}"   required title="Either 0 OR (8 chars minimum)">