Html – Ordered Lists
    , Starting index with XHTML Strict


Is there a way to start an ordered list from a specific index while following XHTML Strict? Using start=n works well, but has been deprecated… The intended purpose is to resume the index with paging.

I saw a few references to a CSS solution, but the starting index cannot be used like the attribute in the deprecated case of start.

Best Answer

As kdgregory noted, counters would be the way to accomplish this and still maintain a valid document. This article on Array Studio shows how to code this in XHTML and CSS. The following is copied from their article:

You need to write the following in your CSS:

OL#page_one { counter-reset: item }
OL#page_two { counter-reset: item 5 }
LI { display: block }
LI:before {
    content: counter(item) ". ";
    counter-increment: item;

And, this is how your lists should be defined:

<ol id="page_one">
    <li>Division Bell</li>
    <li>Atom Hearth Mother</li>
    <li>Dark Side of the Moon</li>
    <li>Wish You Were Here</li>

<ol id="page_two">
    <li>The Wall</li>
    <li>Piper at the gates of Dawn</li>
    <li>Final Cut</li>