Html – Position a div outside the wrapper but on top of it


I'm trying to position a div that contains a logo (the one in orange, see image) on top of the wrapper div, but a little outside of it.

I've tried with absolute position, but every time I resize the browser (for example to 800×600), the wrapper div moves around.

Here is the code, and an image for help to understand what I'm trying to explain:

<style type="text/css">
   #wrapper{width:958px; margin: 0 auto -47px;min-height:950px;}
   #content {
   overflow: auto;


  <div id="imagem"><img src="logo.png" /></div>

    <div id="wrapper">
<div id="content">

Best Answer

Try using negative margins instead:

#imagem { margin-left: -50px; }

This should be put inside the wrapper instead of outside it. It'll solve the problems of things overlapping it.