Css – Progress bar as background of table


I have an HTML table showing a list of person. For each row, I would like to have a different progressbar-like background. Something like

  <tr class="progress-full">...</tr>
  <tr class="progress-half">...</tr>
  <tr class="progress-quarter">...</tr>

With the whole background of the first row in color, half of the secord and 1/4 of the last one (with classes or using directly the percentage in CSS).

I tried using a background with a width (like here) but I didn't succeed. Can I enclose a div inside a tr ? When I inspect the html code (eg: with chrome) the div seems outside of the table.

<table style="width: 300px;">
      <tr style="width: 75%; background: rgb(128, 177, 133);">
        <div style="width: 300px;">...</div>
      <tr style="width: 50%; background: rgb(128, 177, 133);">
        <div style="width: 300px;">...</div>

Or maybe another method ?

Best Answer

You could avoid adding any extra markup to your table if you use CSS ::before or ::after pseudo-elements. You can give each table row a transparent background, and give the pseudo-element the width you want.

Here's a jsfiddle example.

enter image description here


    <tr class="progress-full">
        <td>Row 1 Col 1</td>
    <tr class="progress-quarter">
        <td>Row 2 Col 1</td>
    <tr class="progress-half">
        <td>Row 3 Col 1</td>


td { padding: 10px; }

tr.progress-full td:first-child,
tr.progress-half td:first-child,
tr.progress-quarter td:first-child {
    position: relative;
tr.progress-full td:first-child::before,
tr.progress-half td:first-child::before,
tr.progress-quarter td:first-child::before {
    content: "";
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 0;
    height: 100%;
    background-color: red;
    z-index: -1;

tr.progress-full td:first-child::before {
    width: 100%;
tr.progress-half td:first-child::before {
    width: 50%;
tr.progress-quarter td:first-child::before {
    width: 25%;

This CSS could be slimmed down, depending on how variable the table structure is. I applied the styles onto the first td inside each tr. If you need the progress bar to stretch across multiple tds, use a width of greater than 100%.