Html – Using CSS max-height on an outer div to force scroll on an inner-div


I have an outer div with a variable height (and max-height) that's set with a specific pixel amount by JavaScript, containing two divs within.

  1. The 1st div is intended to hold a variable amount of content, e.g. a list of links. It has no height set.
  2. The 2nd div is intended to hold a fixed amount of content, and has a specific height set.

Right now, the max-height isn't working. The 1st div keeps growing, even with overflow: auto; set, and pushes the 2nd div below it outside the bounds of the outer div. How can I make it so that when the 1st div gets too large for the outer div to contain both it and the fixed-height 2nd div, the 1st div will start to scroll?

Example page:

Thanks for any help. I'd appreciate a CSS solution the most, even if it requires some hacks. It only has to work in Firefox 3+, IE8, and IE7.


Best Answer

You cant really do that without JS. Your max-height on the outer-div isnt going to control the height of one of your inner divs to invoke its scrolling. That inner div is always going to be the height you set (pixels, auto, etc..). You can either make the entire outer div scroll as needed by using overflow: auto or you can set a max height on the first inner div and set the overflow.