Html – Video 100% width and height


I have a video, and I want it to FILL 100% of the width, and 100% of the height. And keep the aspect ratio.

Is it possible that it at least fills 100% for both? And if a bit of the video has to be out of the screen to keep the aspect ratio, that doesn't matter.


    <video preload="auto" class="videot" id="videot" height="100%" preload>
    <source src="BESTANDEN/video/tible.mp4" type="video/mp4" >
    <object data="BESTANDEN/video/tible.mp4" height="1080">
        <param name="wmode" value="transparent">
        <param name="autoplay" value="false" >
        <param name="loop" value="false" >


 .videof, .videot {
    width: 100%    !important;
    height: 100%   !important;

Best Answer

By checking other answers, I used object-fit in CSS:

video {
    object-fit: fill;

From MDN (

The object-fit CSS property specifies how the contents of a replaced element should be fitted to the box established by its used height and width.

Value: fill

The replaced content is sized to fill the element’s content box: the object’s concrete object size is the element’s used width and height.