Html – video tag in iphone status


Is there any movie that actually works in iPhone/iPad safari using the video tag? We tried so many formats and code snippets. I've heard that mp4/h264 should work, but not for us.

Can anyone point me to a working example online?

If you know the code or specs/formats for the videotag on iphone, that would be great.


Here is a link to the mp4 file we have:
Here is the latest code we tried:

<video width="480" height="270" controls autoplay>
    <source src="" type="video/mp4">

Works great in Safari/Chrome but no show in iPhone/iPod

Best Answer

Yes, the video tag works. has some (not all. The site is in Chinese though. Click the video links on the top right hand corner.)

Newer videos on this site works with IE 6/7/8 (through fall back to flash player, not tested on IE9), Firefox (had to render a separate ogv file since no h.264 support), Safari, Chrome, iPhone Safari, Android browser (the Desire model, didn't figure out the browser type).

Problem is with your encoding. Look at this page for detail instructions on how to convert:

The key I think is the profile of the h.264 conversion. Need to make sure you're converting to Baseline profile. Other profiles are not supported in iPhone.

I used the handbrakeCLI with Automator in Mac OS X to batch render.