Html – -webkit-border-radius does not crop image properly


I have 5 browsers for rendering html coded pages: IE9, Firefox 4.0 and all the newest versions of Chrome, Safari and Opera. Now in IE9 and Firefox 4.0 an image is being cropped properly in using border-radius: and -moz-border-radius: but fails in Opera, Chrome and Safari using -webkit-border-radius:. With Opera the image is not being cropped at all and with Safari and Chrome the image is somewhat cropped but with the border being cropped out as well.

margin: 15px 15px 15px 15px;
border:4px inset #C1C8DD;


If you have one of the 3 browsers mentioned that utilize -webkit-border-radius: please view images for example of what I have an issue with:
Graphics Page

Best Answer

What you could do is put all styling that's on the <img> tag now, on the parent <a> instead so as to use it as the container for the image. This, at least to me, makes more sense as well. Don't forget to keep float: left on the image to get rid of phantom bottom margin either.