Html – With ng-bind-html-unsafe removed, how to inject HTML


I'm trying to use $sanitize provider and the ng-bind-htm-unsafe directive to allow my controller to inject HTML into a DIV.

However, I can't get it to work.

<div ng-bind-html-unsafe="{{preview_data.preview.embed.html}}"></div>

I discovered that it is because it was removed from AngularJS (thanks).

But without ng-bind-html-unsafe, I get this error:$sce/unsafe

Best Answer

Instead of declaring a function in your scope, as suggested by Alex, you can convert it to a simple filter :

    .filter('to_trusted', ['$sce', function($sce){
        return function(text) {
            return $sce.trustAsHtml(text);

Then you can use it like this :

<div ng-bind-html="preview_data.preview.embed.html | to_trusted"></div>

And here is a working example :