HTML5 drag and drop and multiple file upload

drag and dropfilefile-iohtml

I have an HTML form that contains a file input field with multiple file selection and I also have a drag and drop feature that I am working on as well. My question is how to integrate both of these features seamlessly if it is even possible?

Ideally, I would like the user to select their files either through drag'n'drop or through the file dialog box. Once the user is done selecting their files, click the form submit button to upload.

I guess the main uncertainty that I have is how to bind the files that were dragged and dropped to a file input field for form submission.

Best Answer

I wrote some jQuery code that does just that, tell me if it works for you.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Multiple DnD Uploader</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
    <script type = "text/javascript" src = "../music/jquery.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
          files =;
          $('#drop').css('display', 'none');
          for(var i = 0, len = files.length; i < len; i++) {
              type: "POST",
              url: "uploader.php?id="+i,
              contentType: "multipart/form-data",
              headers: {
                "X-File-Name" : files[i].fileName,
                "X-File-Size" : files[i].fileSize,
                "X-File-Type" : files[i].type
              beforeSend:  function() {
                $('#info').append('<li class="indicator"><span class="label">File Name :</span> '+files[i].fileName+' | <span class="label">Size :</span> ' + files[i].fileSize + ' | <img id="'+i+'" src="loading.gif" /></li>');
              processData: false,
              data: files[i],
              success: function(data){
                $('#'+data).attr('src', 'check.png');
              },error: function(data){
                $('#info').append('Error: ' + data + '<br />');
              $('#info').append('Error: Incorrect file type. Looking for .mp3');
    <div id="drop">
      <h1>Drop files here</h1>
      <p>To add them as attachments</p>
      <input type="file" multiple="true" id="filesUpload" />
    <div id="info">

And the PHP file looks like this:

  $headers = array();
  foreach ($_SERVER as $k => $v){   
    if(substr($k, 0, 5) == "HTTP_"){
      $k = str_replace('_', ' ', substr($k, 5));
      $k = str_replace(' ', '-', ucwords(strtolower($k)));
      $headers[$k] = $v;
  $file = new stdClass;
  $file->name = basename($headers['X-File-Name']);
  $file->size = $headers['X-File-Size'];
  $file->content = file_get_contents("php://input");
  if(file_put_contents('files/'.$file->name, $file->content))
    echo $_GET['id'];