I want to reload the page on aspxgridview rowupdating event


Iam using Devexpress aspxgridview control in asp.net. I want to reload the page on aspxgridview_row updating event.

I tried response.redirect(""); but it shows /Response.Redirect cannot be called in a Page callback./

So, what is the right method to reload the page on rowupdating event.

Iam using gridview with in the gridview (mastergrid and gridview in the detailrow of mastergrid). now i want to reload the page on row_updating event of detailgridview.

Best Answer

If ASPxGridView ASPxGridView.EnableCallBacks Property is set to true then you can not use Response.Redirect.

Use ASPxWebControl.RedirectOnCallback Method to redirect page to another Url while process callback.
