ICal import creates new calendar When Open the ics file


I'm working on "Add to Calendar" feature from my Sharepoint webpart (created using VS2010).

I have exported the ICS file programatically with no issues.

But the problem is when I try to open the ICS file from OUTLOOK.

If the ICS file has single appointment, no issues….

If the ICS file has multiple appointments, the problem comes…

When I do File >> Open >> Import >> Choose ics file, it works fine

But If I try to just double click the ICS file, it creates a NEW calendar instead of updating my existing default calendar

Any suggestions…?

Best Answer

We had a similar problem and found that if the ICS file had the X-WR-CALNAME field in it, even if is was blank, then Outlook would automatically create a new calendar. If it did NOT have this field in it, then Outlook imported it.

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