If you had one wish for SubSonic what would it be


I know this question seems subjective but it's really pretty simple. As a long term user, and part time contributor to SubSonic I'm interested in what the community thinks would be the single best way to improve it.
So what's your opinion, how would you make SubSonic even better? What one thing would make you more likely to use/recommend/evangelise/stop complaining about it?

As I said I know this is a bit subjective and may get closed but as SO is the main support forum for SubSonic I think this could be a useful way to solicit opinion and/or contributions.

To keep this from turning into a general discussion here's the rules:

  • No omnibus wishes
  • No duplicate wishes
  • Up-vote those you agree with rather than re-posting them

Best Answer

Ability to run in MediumTrust out of the box

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