ImageMagick is converting only the first page of the pdf


I am having some trouble with ImageMagick.

I have installed GhostScript v9.00 and ImageMagick-6.6.7-1-Q16 on Windows 7 – 32Bit

When I run the following command in cmd

convert D:\test\sample.pdf D:\test\pages\page.jpg

only the first page of the pdf is converted to pdf. I have also tried the following command

convert D:\test\sample.pdf D:\test\pages\page-%d.jpg

This creates the first jpg as page-0.jpg but the other are not created.
I would really appreciated if someone can shed some light on this. Thanks.


I have ran the command using -debug "All"

one of the many lines out put says:

2011-01-26T22:41:49+01:00 0:00.727 0.109u 6.6.7 Configure Magick[5800]: nt-base.c/NTGhostscriptGetString/1008/Configure
registry: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript\9.00\GS_DLL" (failed)

Could it maybe have something to do with GhostScript after all?

Best Answer

You can specify which page to convert by putting a number in [] after the filename:

convert D:\test\sample.pdf[7] D:\test\pages\page-7.jpg

It should have, however, converted all pages to individual images with your command.

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