ImageMagick no decode delegate


I'm trying to convert an image with imagemagick, but I'm getting this error:

convert: no decode delegate for this image format `//' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/532.

I'm doing this:

convert -resize 600×600 filarkiv/billeder/produkter/s236-085145.jpg

I have the following delegates:

DELEGATES freetype jpeg jng mpeg png x11 xml zlib

Anyone knows what the problem is?

Best Answer

I had this error when rendering an image using DragonFly in Rails. This happened after I upgraded to Lion (ImageMagick was installed using Brew).

I reinstalled ImageMagick, jpeg, libtiff and jasper (reinstalling ImageMagick wasn't enough by itself).

brew uninstall imagemagick jpeg libtiff jasper
brew install imagemagick

Prior to that, running

identify -list format

and jpeg wasn't in the list. After reinstalling the above packages jpeg appeared in the list.

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