Index replication and Load balancing

Am using Lucene API in my web portal which is going to have 1000s of concurrent users.
Our web server will call Lucene API which will be sitting on an app server.We plan to use 2 app servers for load balancing.
Given this, what should be our strategy for replicating lucene indexes on the 2nd app server?any tips please?

Best Answer

You could use solr, which contains built in replication. This is possibly the best and easiest solution, since it probably would take quite a lot of work to implement your own replication scheme.

That said, I'm about to do exactly that myself, for a project I'm working on. The difference is that since we're using PHP for the frontend, we've implemented lucene in a socket server that accepts queries and returns a list of db primary keys. My plan is to push changes to the server and store them in a queue, where I'll first store them into the the memory index, and then flush the memory index to disk when the load is low enough.

Still, it's a complex thing to do and I'm set on doing quite a lot of work before we have a stable final solution that's reliable enough.

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