Inno Setup; creating a desktop icon to overide current icon


I've been playing around with Inno Setup for a couple days now, and have a lot of the kinks worked out except for one I seem to be having an issue with. Its about creating desktop links and icons.

I've tried using the example scripts and putting them into my own script, and I've tried using two separate Setup Wizards (one that came with Inno Setup, and one that I downloaded from InnoIDE). After doing a bit of searching I finally found a code that will get a Desktop item to form (for a while the installer was not creating a desktop icon), but my issue is that the icon remains Adobe instead of my company icon.

In the old installer we used (InstalShield) back before I worked here, the programmer managed to configure the installer so that when the end user Downloaded it a link on the desktop would appear with the company logo, that would launch the main PDF file when clicked. All the files we are using are PDF files. I specified an icon in the installer, but I think thats just for the installer itself (while its running). I couldnt find an option for using a specific icon on the desktop in the Manual, or in the Setup Wizard, and I tried searching Google and couldnt find anyone else with this problem.

Is there a way to make my company logo show up on the desktop instead of Adobe's PDF logo for the main launch file? Or even if there is a way to create a shortcut and have that be the logo and link to the main PDF file, that would be fine too. Any advice really is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

There is a parameter called IconFilename which should solve your problem. Example:

Name: {group}\MyApplication; Filename: {app}\MyApplication.exe; WorkingDir: {app}; IconFilename: {app}\MyApplication.ico; Comment: "MyApplication"; Components: MyApplication; 
Name: {commondesktop}\MyApplication; Filename: {app}\MyApplication.exe; WorkingDir: {app}; IconFilename: {app}\MyApplication.ico; Comment: "MyApplication"; Components: MyApplication;

You are free to use an exe, a dll or an ico file to get your company logo icon from using IconFilename property.

For more detailed information, visit the link below:

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