Inno Setup Execute a batch file before [Files] section


Currently my batch file is in [Run] section. I need my batch file to execute before the [Files] section. Is there a way to do this in Inno Setup? Currently the [Run] section always execute after [Files] section.

Filename: "C:\Users\Scripts\Install\Install.bat"; Parameters: {code:GetDatabaseName}  

Source: "C:\Users\MyApp\*"; DestDir: "\\MyServer\MyApp"; Flags: recursesubdirs createallsubdirs

Best Answer

If it needs to be done at the beginning of the setup, use Exec() in the PrepareToInstall() or CurStepChanged(ssInstall) event functions. These are both after the user has said "go ahead, install" but before anything else. PrepareToInstall() also allows you to cancel the install with a nice warning.

If the file needs to be extracted from the setup first, then you can preceed it with ExtractTemporaryFile()

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