Integrated Windows Authentication for Multiple Domains


I have website for domain A users with the Integrated Windows Authentication.

Now users from domain B need to access the website.

But Domain B users receive pop-up window to input the authenticated information when they access the website

My question is:

How to configure the IIS or Windows Server to allow Domain B users to access the website without the pop-up windows for authentication, just like the users from Domain A.

Best Answer

  1. Check that you have a trust configured

Verify this by trying to add domains users from domain B to the file system where your IIS site is located.

  1. Verify that the correct user group from domain B has access to file system where your IIS site is located. ( if not using domain users from domain B ).

  2. Verify that the user that is testing from domain B has the correct group memberships.

And if running Kerberos authentication.

Check on client where the user is if you have a kerberos ticket by using command "klist tickets"