IOS 6 Navigation Bar Color in Xcode 5


I'd spent a few months developing an application for iOS 6 when I updated to Xcode 5. I updated the application to fit with the iOS 7 style, when I decided to run the application again on iOS 6.1. I found that my previously black navigation bar had turned white.

I swapped my storyboard to be viewed as "iOS 6.1 and Earlier", and found that the color of the navigation bar was white, even though it was set to "Opaque Black Navigation Bar" in the simulated metrics.

Any ideas on how to fix this? I've already tried manually setting the child view top bars to "Opaque Black Navigation Bar" as well. This changes the color of the navigation bar for the child to appear black on the storyboard, but has no effect on the application when run on the simulator.

Best Answer

Looks like what I needed to do was check if the device was running a version less than iOS 7, then set

[[[self navigationController] navigationBar] setTintColor:[UIColor blackColor]];