IOS 7 status bar transparent


In storyboard, in a view controller I tried add a navigation bar under the status bar, running it, it is transparent and shows a label that's supposed to be blurred, like by navigation bar.

enter image description here

But when placing the same view controller embedded in a navigation view controller, the underneath background image could be blurred, which is my intention.

enter image description here

What are these two way different results? What need to do for the firs method to make status bar blur?


Best Answer

In iOS 7 the status bar is transparent by default. The blurring you're seeing when there's also a navigation bar is actually created by the navigation bar. So to create the effect you're looking for without a navigation bar, you need to position a view that produces a blurring effect beneath the status bar.

For reference, add your view with a frame provided by:

CGRect statusBarFrame = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarFrame];