Iphone – Adding a self-signed certificate to iphone Simulator


I have a self-signed certificate at the endpoint of my API. I'm trying to test some things using the simulator but am getting "untrusted server certificate".

I have tried to use safari on the simulator to download the .crt file, but that doesn't seem to work.

Where does iPhone Simulator get its keychain from? How can I add a trusted certificate so my application will work?


I got it to work by creating a CA and then adding a CA certificate using the iPhone provisioning tool. Then I was able to have a certificate signed by that CA certificate on the API server and the NSConnection just worked. I was not able to get it to work using a self-signed certificate for some reason. I need to re-attempt this using the provisioning software.

My real question is how do I get this to work on the simulator? I would think that the simulator uses the keychain of the actual computer.

Best Answer

Just for Info, if someone still runs into that problem:

simply drag & drop your .cer Files into your running Simulator window. You'll see Safari flashing and then the import dialog for your Certificate (or Certificate Authority)...

Working for iOS 7 Simulator (and i Think did work for iOS 6 too).