Ios – After switching to Xcode 7, app size grew from 9 MB to 60 MB, is there a fix


I've been going backwards in Git history to find the cause of a humongous file size change, but the only real reason I can find is the switch from Xcode 6 to Xcode 7 GM.

I've found that these are the top 10 file size contributors in an .ipa created from the Archive operation on a Release build configuration:

$ unzip -lv Roger\ Release.ipa | sort -k +3nr | head
41802768  Defl:N 16887199  60%  09-14-15 23:47  dc24cdc1  Payload/
41802400  Defl:N 16886076  60%  09-06-15 18:33  f939ea6a  SwiftSupport/iphoneos/libswiftCore.dylib
11184032  Defl:N  5915625  47%  09-14-15 23:48  6ceac4a2  Payload/
 6399584  Defl:N  2670275  58%  09-14-15 23:47  0ac52d3f  Payload/
 5410384  Defl:N  2334189  57%  09-14-15 23:47  7a8cb03f  Payload/
 4521904  Defl:N  2292789  49%  09-14-15 23:47  95da0882  Payload/
 4731552  Defl:N  1926357  59%  09-14-15 23:48  e05337de  Payload/
 4731168  Defl:N  1925355  59%  09-06-15 18:33  19a5c3c4  SwiftSupport/iphoneos/libswiftFoundation.dylib
 2659232  Defl:N  1232897  54%  09-14-15 23:47  1a53a401  Payload/
 1196624  Defl:N   545343  54%  09-14-15 23:47  19a063cb  Payload/

By far the largest files are the two (slightly different) libswiftCore.dylib files, which total over 32 MB. In the bundle built by Xcode 6 these two files totaled only 3 MB.

So question #1 is: Why are the Swift core files there twice? (Embedded Content Contains Swift Code is set to No).

And question #2 is: What happened? Why did the Swift core size increase by 15 MB? Is this permanent?

Some additional notes:

  • This is a project that was entirely Objective-C but is now mostly Swift. The Defines Module setting is set to Yes.
  • The project uses CocoaPods with use_frameworks! set.
  • I've confirmed the actual download size from TestFlight on multiple devices and iOS versions and it's in the range 30–60 MB (presumably the difference is due to app slicing). It used to be 9 MB.

Best Answer

Most likely caused by BitCode, I have seen the same growth however once deployed from the App Store the app size hasn't actually grown.

You can disable BitCode in your app and the other targets as well and you should see a shrinkage.

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