IOS App Metadata Rejected: MFi Certification PPID #

iosiphonemfiobjective cxcode

My iOS app has been rejected and I got the following message from Apple:


Reasons for Rejection: MFI Issue

We started your review but cannot continue because we cannot locate your MFi Certificate PPID #.

Please go to Manage Your Applications in iTunes Connect and edit your metadata to provide the MFi Certificate PPID # in the Review Notes. Once you've added this information, click "Save," then "Submit New Metadata" and we can proceed with your review.


What is an MFi Certificate PPID#? Where/how do I get one for my app?

I submitted the same app (older revisions) three times before but didn't get this kind of message. Why I am getting this now? The last revision I submitted successfully was on Feb. 12, 2012. Has Apple added more requirements since then?


Best Answer

Your Product Plan ID. You should be able to find this in the MFi portal. They are asking about the physical accessory your application interfaces with.

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