IOS App Submission, Invalid Image Sizes


I just received the following message with my iOS app submission:

Invalid Image – For iOS applications, icons included in the binary
submission must be in the PNG format.

-If your application supports the iPhone device family, you must include square icons of the following dimensions: 57×57 pixels and
120×120 pixels.

-If your application supports the iPad device family, you must include square icons of the following dimensions: 72×72 pixels, 76×76 pixels
and 152×152 pixels

I assume that these are the new image sizes that will be required for iOS 7. Does anyone know what the naming convention will be for the 3 iPad images? And is it necessary to still include the old image sizes as well, 114×114 and 144×144?


Best Answer

Yes, there are new icon sizes for iOS 7. See this article: New Metrics for iOS 7 App Icons. It explains (near the bottom of the article) the sizes you need for iPhone and iPad:

If you want to target only iOS 7, you just need 76 x 76, 120 x 120 and 152 x 152 icon sizes. If you want to target also iOS 6, you’ll need 57 x 57, 72 x 72, 76 x 76, 114 x 114, 120 x 120, 144 x 144 and 152 x 152 icon sizes. Without counting Spotlight and Settings icon if you don’t want the OS to interpolate them!

As far as naming convention goes, you can name the icons anything you want as long as they are the correct size (and that high-res images use the @2x suffix). Just make sure that in your Info.plist file, you declare the names of the icons using the CFBundleIconFiles key.

This similar question on SO might also be of use to you.

EDIT 1: As per comment below, see here for more info:

EDIT 2: If you are using Xcode 5, select the target then select the General tab and you can see the dimensions of the required icons in the App Icons section. See the Apple doco about Asset Catalogs (in particular see this section) where it shows this screenshot:

Xcode 5 screenshot