IOS app with real-time updates from server: Socket (using streams) or Apple Push Notification service


I'm trying to make an iOS 5 app that features real-time things coming from the server. It will only use these whilst the app is running.

To make it real-time without polling I have been evaluating two design routes:

Creating a socket from the app to the server, and exchanging information via streams.

Using standard HTTP to communicate with the server, and with each request from the app let the server know what they are viewing. If something new is available for user, send an Apple Push Notification (with no visible alert) to let app know it can go and download new thing.

I think a socket would be the way to go, but before I commit to it I wanted a second opinion, as this is the first time I've made anything like this!

Best Answer

Sockets would be my choice. I do not know how time critical your application is, but sockets might perform better as APNs if realtime is a must.

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