Ios – Black screen instead of launch image on iPad

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I am developing an iPhone app for iOS 6.1 and 7 (using Xcode 5). I have a problem with iPad launch images.

On iPad 7.0 and 7.0.2, the launch image is not showing up(in 6.1 works!): I get black screen while app is loading.

I don't face this issue with iPhone 6.1 and 7.0.2, although I set all launch images required for iPad and iPad retina (landscape and portrait) and I use Asset Catalog.

What am I missing?

Best Answer

Recently I faced same issue with my App designed only for iPhone , I had the problem where the launch images would not appear in iPad (On iPad ios >= 7.0.x the launch image is not showing up I get black screen while app is loading (in iPad ios < 7.0.x it works fine )).

I don't face this issue of launch image with iPhone worked fine in all iOS versions.

Solution: Is to update to asset catalog to manage your app's images and target only iOS 6 and Prior.

Steps :

Step 1:

Update to Asset Catalog

Step 2:

Select to Migrate

Step 3: on the top right corner click on the 'Attribute Inspector' icon. Here you can set the Target OS for the Launch Images.

Uncheck the iOS 7 check boxes for iPhone

Uncheck the iOS 7 check boxes for iPhone, Now you should be able to see the launch images for iPad on iOS >= 7.0.x.