Ios – Build Failed: error: make directory File exists


I have an app in the app store and have built and released several updates without issue. I am working on a major update, but having a significant error that I have been Googling for over a week now.

I can build the app for the simulator, but when I try to build for iOS device (such as with my iPhone 6 plugged in) or Archive (so that I can distribute via TestFlight), I get the same error every time. Full error posted below.

Things I have tried:

  • Cleaning the Project
  • Restarting xCode
  • Restarting my Mac – Deleting the Derived Data folder
  • Updating xCode
  • Deleting and Reinstalling xCode

The actual error received is:

CpResource Libraries/AppIRater/en.lproj
cd "/Users/terrencewilliams/Desktop/APP/SMBox/APP Builds – v.2.0/SMBox2 4"
export PATH="/Applications/"
builtin-copy -exclude .DS_Store -exclude CVS -exclude .svn -exclude .git -exclude .hg -strip-debug-symbols -strip-tool /Applications/
-resolve-src-symlinks /Users/terrencewilliams/Desktop/APP/SMBox/APP\ Builds\ -\ v.2.0/SMBox2\ 4/Libraries/AppIRater/en.lproj

error: make directory /Users/terrencewilliams/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SMBox-gbfftxbyzlmadeazsrisoquokaxr/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/SMBox/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/
File exists

I really need to get this update rolling, but can't seem to actually build it. Can anyone advise if there might be some underlying cause that I don't see relating to the derived data folder?

Best Answer

I solved this problem by removing duplicate bundle from my project which I have added from other source. Look for duplicate copy of en.lproj and remove it this might solve ur problem.

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