Ios – Change bundle identifier in Xcode when submitting the first app in IOS


I'm trying to submit my first app in iOS. I have entered iOS Provisioning Portal and I am about to create an app ID.

Lets say that I name my bundle identifier:


Then going to Xcode and in the summary section I want to change the bundle identifier.

But I cannot erase what is being written there, only the start of it. The name of my app is in grey color and I cannot delete it or change it.

So I see in grey color somethng like this App-Demo which is the name of the project in the left side.

My question is this:
Is it a problem? Do I have to create a new app id named com.mycompany.App-Demo or something else?

Here is a picture also.
enter image description here
As you can see I can only edit the first part.

Best Answer

By default, Xcode sets the bundle identifier to the bundle/company identifier that you set during project creation + project name.

Project Creation - Bundle/Company Identifier + Product Name

This is similar to what you see in the Project > Summary screen.

Project > Summary

But you can change this in the Project > Info screen. (This is the Info.plist.)

Project > Info