Ios – CIImage extent in pixels or points


I'm working with a CIImage, and while I understand it's not a linear image, it does hold some data.

My question is whether or not a CIImage's extent property returns pixels or points? According to the documentation, which says very little, it's working space coordinates. Does this mean there's no way to get the pixels / points from a CIImage and I must convert to a UIImage to use the .size property to get the points?

I have a UIImage with a certain size, and when I create a CIImage using the UIImage, the extent is shown in points. But if I run a CIImage through a CIFilter that scales it, I sometimes get the extent returned in pixel values.

Best Answer

I'll answer the best I can.

If your source is a UIImage, its size will be the same as the extent. But please, this isn't a UIImageView (which the size is in points). And we're just talking about the source image.

Running something through a CIFilter means you are manipulating things. If all you are doing is manipulating color, its size/extent shouldn't change (the same as creating your own CIColorKernel - it works pixel-by-pixel).

But, depending on the CIFilter, you may well be changing the size/extent. Certain filters create a mask, or tile. These may actually have an extent that is infinite! Others (blurs are a great example) sample surrounding pixels so their extent actually increases because they sample "pixels" beyond the source image's size. (Custom-wise these are a CIWarpKernel.)

Yes, quite a bit. Taking this to a bottom line:

  • What is the filter doing? Does it need to simply check a pixel's RGB and do something? Then the UIImage size should be the output CIImage extent.
  • Does the filter produce something that depends on the pixel's surrounding pixels? Then the output CIImage extent is slightly larger. How much may depend on the filter.
  • There are filters that produce something with no regard to an input. Most of these may have no true extent, as they can be infinite.

Points are what UIKit and CoreGraphics always work with. Pixels? At some point CoreImage does, but it's low-level to a point (unless you want to write your own kernel) you shouldn't care. Extents can usually - but keep in mind the above - be equated to a UIImage size.


Many images (particularly RAW ones) can have so large a size as to affect performance. I have an extension for UIImage that resizes an image to a specific rectangle to help maintain consistent CI performance.

extension UIImage {
    public func resizeToBoundingSquare(_ boundingSquareSideLength : CGFloat) -> UIImage {
        let imgScale = self.size.width > self.size.height ? boundingSquareSideLength / self.size.width : boundingSquareSideLength / self.size.height
        let newWidth = self.size.width * imgScale
        let newHeight = self.size.height * imgScale
        let newSize = CGSize(width: newWidth, height: newHeight)
        self.draw(in: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: newWidth, height: newHeight))
        let resizedImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
        return resizedImage!


image = image.resizeToBoundingSquare(640)

In this example, an image size of 3200x2000 would be reduced to 640x400. Or an image size or 320x200 would be enlarged to 640x400. I do this to an image before rendering it and before creating a CIImage to use in a CIFilter.

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