Ios – Different storyboards for different devices in Xcode 6


In the new Xcode 6, we have just one storyboard for universal apps. But the differences in my app are beyond the different sizes of the screen between iPhone and iPad. My App iPhone screen does not rotate, it's just portrait, and my iPad screen rotate all. My iPhone first screen is a table view, and my iPad first screen is a collection view, and other differences.
How can I make it happen in Xcode 6?

In other words. At Xcode 5 even using universal apps, i have two storyboards, one for iPad and another for iPhone. But now, in Xcode 6, theres just one storyboard for universal apps. I want to have two storyboards again, but I didn't find how to do this.

Best Answer

  1. Open your Project setting >> select info
  2. In Custom iOS Target Properties add New row name Main storyboard file base name (iPad) and set value to "your new storyboard file name"

or You can find the way in my blog

Xcode 6 Separate storyboard for iPad and iPhone