Ios – Entitlements.plist error when trying to build non ad-hoc versions

iosiphoneobjective cxcode

I searched all around for an answer but no luck….

I successfully built an ad-hoc version of this app, but now when i try to build for debug, release, or regular distribution i get the build error:

"CodeSign error: The entitlements file '/Users/Dropbox/myApp/Entitlements.plist' is missing"

the thing is
a) The entitlements.plist file is sitting right there in the resources folder
b) That isn't even the correct path to the xcode project folder.
c) I removed the key from the project settings> build> code signing entitlements, so why is it even looking for the entitlements.plist?

what is going on?? How can I get xcode to stop trying to find the entitlements file, I know it isnt even needed for the anything other than ad-hoc builds.

Best Answer

Thanks all, i think i figured it out. Hopefully this will help anyone else who runs into this:

I ended up going into 'targets' and right-clicking 'get info' (or alternatively Project>Edit Active Target ) and the entitlement.plist is listed in the build tab there as well. I removed it there and in the project settings and issue solved.

Again, thanks all :)