Ios – How to fix the error: ‘The app identifier “” cannot be registered to your development team.’


When I try to build the BreakfastFinder Sample Code from Apple, it will build it for Simulator but not for my iPhone X with IOS 13(Public Beta 3).

I tried Unpair and repair the Device, switching the identifier from
"" to com.<myID>.TestApp2

Downloaded the Project Sample from here:

and only after a crash I changed the Build Identifier.

I expect the Build to Finish and Run, but it gave me these errors.
Both Errors from Xcode:

  1. Failed to register bundle identifier. The app identifier "" cannot be registered to
    your development team. Change your bundle identifier to a unique
    string to try again.
  2. No profiles for '' were found: Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning
    profiles matching ''.

Best Answer


  • If you'll add SAMPLE_CODE_DISAMBIGUATOR key under your target's Build Settings as a User-Defined entry, then you don't need to add your Development Team manually in SampleCode.xcconfig file.

  • When you select the team under Signing & Capabilities it'll automatically fill the Development Team under the SampleCode.xcconfig file.

  • Voila!
