Ios – How to remove all annotations from MKMapView except the user location annotation


I use removeAnnotations to remove my annotations from mapView but same it remove user location ann. How can I prevent this, or how to get user ann back to view?

NSArray *annotationsOnMap = mapView.annotations;
        [mapView removeAnnotations:annotationsOnMap];

Best Answer


When I tried with the iOS 9 SDK the user annotation is no longer removed. You can simply use


Historical answer (for apps that run on iOS before iOS 9):

Try this:

NSMutableArray * annotationsToRemove = [ mapView.annotations mutableCopy ] ;
[ annotationsToRemove removeObject:mapView.userLocation ] ;
[ mapView removeAnnotations:annotationsToRemove ] ;

EDIT: Swift version

let annotationsToRemove = mapView.annotations.filter { $0 !== mapView.userLocation }
mapView.removeAnnotations( annotationsToRemove )