Ios – How to resolve “Metadata Rejected” from itunes connect


My iOS app is in state "Metadata Rejected" as per the Apple Review Guidelines

3.2: Apps with placeholder text will be rejected
and followed their steps as below:

  • Click Edit in the Metadata section
  • Revise the desired metadata values
  • Click "Save" at the bottom of the screen
  • Once you click Save, you will see the "Submit New Metadata" button in the top right.
    Click "Submit New Metadata"

I proceeded upto step 3, while I clicked "save", Activity is rotating but not saved, and session got failure, So I can't update the description.

I think, I have to do is "Reject the app and re-upload the app, while re-uploading I will update the description"

Is it right?

Best Answer

Session failures do happen sometimes in iTunes connect - sometimes the data is saved nonetheless, and if not, just try it again (and again and again if necessary), it will work at some point ...

Once the data is saved, you can just push the then appearing "submit new metadata" button. It just happened to me twice last week, so it really does work - and do not re-upload the binary, it really takes the full 7 + days again.

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