Ios – How to set a custom view’s intrinsic content size in Swift



I am making a vertical label to use with traditional Mongolian script. Before I was just rotating a UILabel but there were some performance issues and other complications with this. Now I am working on making a label from scratch. However, I need the vertical label to tell auto layout when its height adjusts (based on string length).

What I have read

I read the Intrinsic Content Size and Views with Intrinsic Content Size documentation. These were more about how to use it, though, and not how to define it in a custom view.

Searching for "ios intrinsic content size for a custom view" only gives me

in Stack Overflow. This particular question didn't even need intrinsic content size because their view was just an assembly of standard views.

What I am trying

What I am trying is my answer below. I am adding this Q&A pair so that it won't take other people as long to find the answer as it took me with the search keywords that I used.

Best Answer

Setting the intrinsic content size of a custom view lets auto layout know how big that view would like to be. In order to set it, you need to override intrinsicContentSize.

override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
   return CGSize(width: x, height: y)

Then call


Whenever your custom view's intrinsic content size changes and the frame should be updated.


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