Ios – In-App Purchase, always Invalid Product ID


thanks for reading.
I was success with IAP before, but now, when come back on 2nd project about IAP, I always get popular "Invalid Product ID" result.
Here is what I've done:

1) Create App ID: com.tim.TestIAP

2) Create Provisioning profile, with In-App Purchase (already checked) and install this into Xcode

3) Go to iTunes connect and add app with bundleID = com.tim.TestIAP

4) Add In-App Purchase products:

 a) com.tim.TestIAP.C1

 b) com.tim.TestIAP.C2

 c) com.tim.TestIAP.NC

5) Open XCode and create new project with ID = com.tim.TestIAP

6) Set code signing = com.tim.TestIAP provisioning profile

7) Write code handle Storekit

productsRequest = [[SKProductsRequest alloc] initWithProductIdentifiers:[NSSet setWithObject:@"com.tim.TestIAP.C1"]];
productsRequest.delegate = self;

[productsRequest start];

8) Archive project and submit to iTunes connect.

9) Wait (over 48 hour til now)

10) Now I get:

 a) iTunesconnect: App status = Waiting for review, IAP status = In review

 b) App installed on device via XCode (I signed out iTunes account on device)

But everytime I tried to send product request, with correct Product ID, I still get this product in

Please tell me where I was wrong, thankyou very much

Best Answer

Did you try remove app from device, clean your xcode and reinstall your app again? Its so classic answer i know but it worked for me before and you be sure if your purchase is for free or not, free purchases absolutely dont work. Your purchase should be in ready to submit or waiting for screenshot mode if you using it with test account. Also be sure about if your test account is working (if you tried sign with it before in iphone or in site, this account will be invalid.) Hope it can help.