Ios – Install iOS SDK to new Xcode


I just bought a new Macbook pro and install the Xcode in the disk to my machine, but, that Xcode only has mac sdk. How can I install other iOS sdk in? I just don't want to wait for redownloading the whole Xcode because with my network connection, it takes me up to 8 hours.

Best Answer

Apple's Developer Tools Evangelist, Michael Jurwitz, has stated on many many occasions that the developer tools team are aware of peoples frustrations with not having an incremental upgrade system.

Unfortunately, no matter how aware they may be, nothing has been done about it for as long as the developer tools have been available.

And now that Xcode 4 is available on the Mac App Store, it seems to me that getting an incremental upgrade system is even less likely (although that is just conjecture on my part). I say this because the Mac App Store, like its iPhone counterpart, downloads the new app in full when an update is available.

There is nothing more you can do other than wait for the download, I'm afraid.