Ios – Invalid Swift Support – Files don’t match


I just re-wrote an app in Swift 2. I'm trying to upload the app to iTunesConnect (via Xcode 7 GM) for internal testing.

I wrestled with an "Invalid Swift Support" error for awhile (which has other, related questions) … but now it's changed to something a little different.

The error from Apple now says:

Invalid Swift Support

The files libswiftCoreLocation.dylib, libswiftCoreMedia.dylib, libswiftCoreData.dylib, libswiftAVFoundation.dylib don’t match

/Payload/, /Payload/, /Payload/, /Payload/

Make sure the files are correct (?), rebuild your app, and resubmit it.

Don’t apply post-processing to

/Payload/, /Payload/, /Payload/, /Payload/

I've been unable to find similar errors by searching for "Don’t apply post-processing", "Make sure the files are correct, rebuild your app, and resubmit it", etc.

Does anyone know how I can "Make sure the files are correct" –or– have any other recommendations? Thank you.

Best Answer

Same problem here. I think this is most likely a bug of the Developer Tools, related to the Bitcode.

I just found the workaround for this.

  1. Archive your app with new build number :(
  2. Find the archive (.xcarchive file) in Finder from Organizer “Show in Finder”
  3. Open the package and find directories like Products/Applications/YourApp.ipa/Frameworks/ and SwiftSupport/iphoneos/
  4. Copy all libswiftXxx.dylib files from SwiftSupport/iphoneos/ into Products/Applications/YourApp.ipa/Frameworks/ and overwrite
  5. Now, Upload to App Store from Organizer

With this process, I succeed in uploading my build. Now I’m waiting for review.


I’m using CocoaPods, and the ENABLE_BITCODE option was NO.

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