Ios – Iphone App Icon error 57 x 57 iOs Version < 7.0


I'm trying to validate my app on Organizer/Archive, but I'm getting this error:

"Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon
for iPhone / Ipod Touch of exactly '57×57' pixels, in .png format for
IOS versions < 7.0." At File Inspector -> App Icon I'm checking
Iphone: iOS 7.0 and Later Sizes and iOS 6.1 and Prior Sizes.

So appears 6 places to fill with some icon image:
1 – iPhone Spotlight – iOS 5,6 Settings – iOS 5-7 29pt
I used icons: 29×29 and 58×58 (29×29@2x)
2- iPhone SpotLight iOS 7 40pt
icon: 80×80 (40×40@2x)
3- iPhone App iOS 5,6 57pt
icons: 57×57 and 114×114 (57×57@2x)
4 – iPhone app iOS 7 60pt
icons: 120×120 (60×60@2x)

But even with image 57×57, I still getting the error.
There is something else that I have to do?

Best Answer

The developer guide shows all the icon you could use with image Asset

enter image description here

Further info here