IPhone landscape-only no launch image for iOS7 R4 image asset


I'm fairly certain this is a bug, but in case anyone has found a way around this, let me know.

I've set up an asset catalog in Xcode-5 of launch images. If I set an iOS 7 R4 image it is only used if my app supports portrait orientation. My app is landscape-right only and I do not see the launch image.

The iOS 5,6 images work just fine, and the R4 iOS 5,6 image will actually load "correctly" if I leave out the iOS 7 R4 image.

Has anyone been able to get this to work?


I've found that I can get iOS 7 landscape images to appear, but only if I remove the default (iOS6) images, which doesn't really help me. If you edit the info.plist and change the image orientation to "Landscape (right home button)" (for example), then provide a horizontal image, it will actually show it on iOS 7 at launch. Unfortunately, if you include an iOS 6 image, it shows that instead. Also, you will not see the iOS 7 image listed in the "General" tab of your target if the orientation is anything other than Portrait. This is with Xcode 5.0 and iOS 7.0.2.

Best Answer

My Solution is Don't use asset catalogs and provide
Default.png (320x480)
Default@2x.png (640x960)
Default-568h@2x.png (640x1136)
as bundle in project and iOS will automatically found them
(Apple doesn't have landscape launch image for iPhone or iPod, so we need to provide rotated 90 degree of landscape image)

You may need
if you do iPad too.

Don't forget to delete fixed launch images name in your Project-Info.plist if you have