Ios – Navigation Bar not selectable in Show Segue, Xcode 6.1


There are 2 View Controllers in my storyboard, VC_A and VC_B

I have embeded a navigation controller in VC_A which is a Table View Controller, I then control drag the Prototype Cell into VC_B to create a segue. If I select "show" in "selection segue" then in VC_B I can see the outline of the navigation bar but I am unable to select it or add any bar buttons to it, it also doesn't appear in the hierarchical view.


However if I select the "push (deprecated)" option when choosing the type of segue, I am able to select the navigation bar in VC_B and add buttons to it, it also show up in the hierarchical view as a Navigation Item.

The only work around I can find is to choose show, then change the segue to push(deprecated) in the Attribute Inspector so the Navigation Item will show up in the hierarchical view, then change the segue back to show. But I am worry that this might cause problems further down the line.

Is there a way to add a Bar Button to VC_B's navigation bar without using the work around?

Best Answer

Just drag the "Navigation Item" from object library to the navigation bar and it should work as expected. You can make changes as you like and it works exactly like in Xcode 5.