Ios – objective-c properties – getters and setters

getter-setteriosobjective cuiview

In a UIView subclass I have this property:

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat scale;

#define DEFAULT_SCALE 0.90

and this getter and setter:

    if (!self.scale) {
        return DEFAULT_SCALE;
        return self.scale;

    if (scale != self.scale) {
        self.scale = scale;
        [self setNeedsDisplay];


This isn't correct, because for example checking self.scale in the getter causes an infinite loop. What is the proper way to write the getter and setter so that I don't get infinite looping?

Best Answer

You should be able to access the ivar directly as _scale. Your getter/setter would then look like:

Update: As @wattson12 points out in the comments below you will need to add an @synthesize to your implementation.

@synthesize scale = _scale;

    if (!_scale) {
        return DEFAULT_SCALE;
        return _scale;

    if (scale != _scale) {
        _scale = scale;
        [self setNeedsDisplay];
